Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What does LIFE really means????

I dunno why? and how?....I feel it is an open ended question. Which may have various types of answers from alot of us. Which is true.

For some Life is an opportunity, for some Life may be like eating a piece of cake, For some life is horrible.....it all depends on how an indivial takes it. Life is always full with challenges, dramas, chaos and etc.

To achieve something one may have to sacrifice alot in their life, some may even achieve by just snapping the fingers. Some live life easy and for some living a life is so difficult.

The topic can go on and on and on......I wish I could write more, but, my eyes are too tired....hehe
You can have a thought on this topic and write something on your board........


Unknown said...

I agree Kas.....Meaning of LIFE differs among individuals....it's an open topic....tell me when did we talk less...:P

xxx said...

whr r u ?
cepat la update la ur blog...

u dpr AWARD..
sile2 do k..