Monday, August 15, 2011

Changing Mode

I have achieved some of the things which I have always wanted to be ........
Some of the achievements that I have got was with a lot of support from loved ones and friends but
I always never really cared about self appearance. There were few times I tried, when I see some results I'll be on cloud 9 and never really bother about it again.
But now since I came back, I wanted to be a different person. I wanted to pamper myself. I started take note of my appearance and working my way about it.
Every time the changes occurs it boosts my self confidence. I know I can do it, and I would not have done it this far without you Anni.
I know I have let you down a few times before but this time I'll surely prove it that 'I can do IT!'.
It was very hard for first few days with the new set of routines but it is not now. Reaching the first milestone is kinda having butterflies in the stomach :)
Soon I'll be there and the family will know that I'm NOT the same old Hinthu they have known for past 28years :)
The time will come when the invisibility will wash away and will be noticed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks babe.....
Am working hard for it and waiting for the end result which makes me to have butterfly in d stomach :P